Kisir, Grilled Aubergine and Fresh Cheese

Kisir is a great recipe to learn – it’s like an instant Middle Eastern risotto and can be endlessly adapted to suit your appetite…

Spelt, Caraway and Ling Honey Soda Bread Recipe

When the bread bin is empty replenish with this amazing soda bread

Jerk Chicken with Rice and Peas

‘Maybe it’s the wrong time of year in the UK for a BBQ… What?! No way! BBQ anytime of the year, with this awesome, easy Jerk Chicken with Rice and Peas.’

Braised Lamb Belly

‘Here’s one of Dad’s more elaborate dishes from a while back – in true Dad fashion he buries himself in the kitchen experimenting with new techniques. Five hours later out come these little gems…’

Broccoli and Stilton Soup

‘Veg going mouldy… easy… turn them into a warming soup!’

Orecchiette alla cime di rapa

‘So the walk to find cime di rapa was worth it!’

Artichokes Three Ways

‘Wow, as a lover of artichokes… this is one of my top starters!’

Apple and Blackberry Pie

Now this is an after dinner treat. Picked by mum and dad at local farms and maybe neighbours houses — it’s the perfect after dinner treat.

Japanese Chicken Curry

Your very own ‘Japanese Soul’ food made right in your own home.

Japanese Smoked Mackerel Canapés

Dad made these for my girlfriend and mum at the weekend. A very pleasant surprise before dinner — with caviar!

Barbecued Pork Hock (Schweinshaxe)

Slow roasted pork hocks are a revelation. They’re good value and will feed an army!

Cute Pumpkin Muffins

‘Halloween has passed but we can still make use of the bright orange pumpkin that reminds us of spooky times…’

Rosehip Syrup Recipe From Foraged Wild Dog Rose Hips

Food-for-free and foraging is the way. A diverse recipe to make your own rosehip syrup. Full of vitamins and goodness, try with yogurt or even rice pudding.

Barbecued Flank Steak

‘Enjoy steak for cheaper, have a go at Dad’s delicious BBQ flank steak!’

Thai Green Prawn Curry

‘One of the best Thai Green Prawn Curries I’ve had and packed full of Thai flavours. It’s a simple dish, and a quick one to rustle up after work for the family.’

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