August 3, 2015 — Dairy

Cherry Dessert

  • 10 mins or 4 hours
  • 4 PEOPLE
  • easy

‘…and he’ll come back with a ridiculous dessert like this! Crash, bang, wallop – done!’

'So we're all sat watching Swedish crime shows and Dad will disappear for ten minutes...'

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We'd love to see a photo when you plate up, please share #WhatDadCooked

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What you need

800g cherries

3 tbs + 1 tsp caster sugar

12 amaretti biscuits

200ml double cream

150 mascarpone

½ tsp vanilla

1 tbs brandy

2 tbs flaked almonds



1 tbs amaretti liqueur (or 1 tbs kirsch)

Dad's Recipe Tales

WDC in a glass

This is something WDC has been doing instinctively for years – it’s basically a melange of fruity, creamy, floppy and crunchy sweet things. As such it’s a useful recipe which can be adapted to produce a number of quick and easy puddings. If you put it in a more refined and taller glass with a long spoon and delicate biscuit and call it a ‘parfait’ it instantly turns into a posh pudding.

How Dad Cooked It

  1. Stone the cherries using a cherry stoning tool. Put the cherries in a bowl and add 3 tablespoons of sugar and the liqueur and brandy – macerate for 2 hours or more.
  2. Put the cherries and their juices into a pan. Put the lid on the pan and heat gently for about 20 minutes until the cherries start to soften and the sauce thickens. Keep a check on the pan adding water if it gets too dry or sticky.
  3. Take out half the cherries (and half the sauce) and blitz in a small processor. Put into another pan and heat gently until it is a thick coulis consistency. Taste and adjust with more sugar if necessary.
  4. Continue to gently heat the original cherries until the sauce is thick and shiny.
  5. In a bowl add the mascarpone, a teaspoon sugar and the vanilla and whisk until soft and smooth.
  6. In another bowl whisk the cream to very soft peaks and carefully add to the mascarpone in stages and mix gently so as not to stiffen the mixture further. The consistency should be lose enough to fall off a spoon. If you have over-whisked, add some normal double cream and thin slightly.
  7. Allow the cherry mixes to cool. Then build the parfaits. break 2 or 3 amaretti biscuits into each glass, spoon the blended cherry mixture over the amaretti, dollop a couple spoons of cream mixture over the biscuits and coulis and finish with the cherries – and their syrup (from the non-blended cherry pan). Toast the flaked almonds briefly in a hot pan and scatter over the dessert just before serving.
  8. Let the parfaits settle in the fridge for an hour. They improve overnight.
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